The year 2000 saw not only the birth of a new millenium but also the formation of a "united" Moordown Bowling Club under the Presidency of Mrs Joyce Tayler. Since the ladies' and mens' clubs came together the club has made tremendous progress and we are no longer seen as one of the clubs "likely to close", but are held in high regard by both the Bournemouth & District Bowling Association and the Bournemouth and District Womens Bowling Association. Our club membership has grown year on year and our Green is now looked on as one of the best in the town.
This is now - but we all owe a great debt of gratitude to those that came before us and "gave birth" to Moordown BC over 80 years ago.

It was in 1927 that the Moordown Green was opened by Mr Felstead, the Parks Superintendent, and in 1928 a lady from the Falmouth Club in Cornwall, holidaying in the town coached a number of ladies who were interested in playing. From this friendly instruction the seeds were sewn and the Moordown Women's Bowling Club was formed with Cllr Mrs J Tiller JP as President. Moordown became the first all-womens' club in the town, Alum Chine ladies having a section atttached to their men's club.
Although at that stage MWBC had only 7 regular members they played Alum Chine twice a year, home and away, and later played against Lymington and New Milton.
In June 1931 Mrs Johns of the Cavendish Club, Eastbourne visitied Moordown with a touring team and, over tea, expressed the wish to form an English Women's Bowling Association, seeking support from the Moordown ladies, which was willingly given, and in October 1931 the ENVBA was formed with Mrs C Johns as President and Moordown a founder member.
The first EWBA match was played on the Moordown green on 25th August 1932 against 6 rinks of the B&D men. Mesdames Richard, Tiller, Coghlan and White, all from the club, represented the EWBA.
The B&DWMS Association was later formed on 20th February 1933 and we had the honour of being a founder member of the B&D Association. In January 1934 the Hampshire WM's CBA was formed, Mrs Richards being the founder President.
However, whilst the ladies were first on the scene, the men were soon to follow and on 22nd February 1928, their first AGM was held, with fees on 7/6d (271/2p) per member plus 25/ (£1.25) for the Capitation Fee.

Thus for over 80 years the great game of bowls has been played at Moordown, with various degrees of success along the way, and some great stalwarts to the club who all enhanced its progress. I feel it would be unfair to single out particular individuals for the chance of upsetting others.
Moordown BC was the last club in the town to agree to the self-management of its site (2003) and we have been longstanding members of the Bournemouth Bowls Site Managers' Association, which has done so much to build a good rapport with the local council, and towards the continued progress of the sport of bowls in the town.
So, here we are, 80+ years young and lets all hope the next 80 years will prove equally successful in the progress of Moordown Bowling Club.