Moordown Bowling Club
Welcome to Moordown Bowling Club website. We are situated in Moordown, in the heart of Bournemouth, and are a friendly group of bowlers and look forward to welcoming new members. Bowling is a very relaxing and interesting sport and is a game suitable for people of all ages. It is played on a specially prepared grass surface called a green or rink, and great care is taken of this throughout the year to keep it looking its best. We play in many divisions, friendly matches and competitions.
Our annual Open Day, usually held in April, is a 'Taster Session' to introduce the game of bowls, and everyone in the community is invited to come along and play for free. This is also the beginning of the outdoor bowling season for the club and just outside the Bowling Pavilion is a pergola where the wisteria is in full flower, so it always seems a magnificent time of year.
If you require any further information about Moordown Bowling Club or our activites please contact us.
President's Address for 2024

Hi to all members, I hope you are all looking forward to the 2024 season. I must admit to being somewhat surprised when I was asked to consider being vice President and therefore President the year after. I thought it a considerable honour to be asked and accepted after a little mulling over. It’s a three-year commitment after all.
I joined the club in 2014 along with Thelma for something we could do together and haven’t looked back since. I didn’t know I had a competitive streak in me, it’s surprising what the game can bring out in people. The club has always had a friendly atmosphere and we were welcomed and encouraged to join in with the various competitions and leagues as our game improved. The old adage “practise makes perfect“ never being truer.
The social side of the club has been interesting with various evening entertainments through the season laid on by the members. Particularly well thought of were our end of season bowls weekends away around the southern counties, now unfortunately too expensive to continue with. Hopefully the costs will come down in the near future.
Any club is only as strong as its membership and having lost in the region of 20 during the covid shutdown we need to encourage new people to join. To that end our open day is a great way to introduce any friends or family to the game. They are also welcome at our Monday Club nights if they just want to see what the games about and have a go. For the more experienced players the men have two Saturday afternoon league teams, the ladies have two Thursday afternoon league teams. We also have four Tuesday evening mixed triples league teams. For those that would prefer to play Saturday mornings we have the mixed triples team that also plays in a league. We also have our internal club competitions.
So, there are plenty of ways to get involved and pit yourself against players from ours and other clubs to hopefully improve your game.
We also welcome many visiting teams from around the country to our club for friendly games each year. Many returning on a regular basis to enjoy our hospitality. In return we visit some of those clubs that are more local. These are always fun days out whether we go by car or coach and well worth signing up for. What all clubs need is willing volunteers to help at events and to stand for the various positions needed to keep the club running – so - please step forward and offer to help. Prior knowledge is not always necessary it’s the enthusiasm to get involved that is appreciated. In conclusion I would like to say no matter what your skill levels, get involved. If you are not sure about anything, ask. We are all happy to help and encourage our members both new and old.
Ken Clothier
President 2024
President's Address for 2023

Welcome to Moordown Bowling Club, I’ve been a member for seven years and I’m as excited about the new season as I was in my first year.
For those who know me I count the days until we are on the green again. I am honoured to be your president for the coming season and look forward to spending time with our members old and new.
I’m very proud of our club which is both friendly and welcoming and we particularly enjoy meeting and playing against visiting clubs.
We are lucky to have a committee who work hard to ensure the smooth running of the club who are more than willing to give up their time and are a great support to me personally.
I would encourage everyone to take part in as many club competitions and special events such as the Lily Lynex and the Bruno Dressel, all information is available either in the diary or on the boards in the club house.
It is also important to support our club in the league if you are available to play.
This club is very close to my heart, I’ve made some good friends and it really has been life changing for me.
I will do everything I can to make the coming season a happy, safe and a successful one!
So, to all members full or associate, happy bowling see you on the green.
Theresa Lewis
President 2023
President's Address for 2022

As a member of Moordown Bowling Club it is a privilege to be able to serve as president albeit at a time when we face several challenges. Getting back to normal may not be straightforward but if the experience of the past two seasons has taught us anything, it is that we are resilient and have the commitment to succeed.
After two seasons which can hardly be described as ‘normal’ we look forward to 2022 when a full programme of league matches, friendlies and social activities hopefully can resume.
I think it is also worth remembering that our success (or otherwise) on the green is of secondary importance to the fellowship we experience with each other as members of ‘The Moordown Family’. It is this fellowship which sets us apart and something which we cherish.
We are also fortunate to have many members who give dedicated service in the various areas of club life and without whose commitment the club could not function.
In summary, to our existing members – Enjoy all that the club has to offer and experience as many activities and events as you can.
To those who may be considering joining the club we can offer really satisfying sporting contests for all levels of ability. In addition, you will be joining a friendly, supportive membership keen to assist in any possible way.
So, I wish you all a satisfying and fulfilling season.
Mike Turner
President 2022
President's Address for 2021

Welcome to Moordown Bowls Club which was established over 90 years ago.
I have only been a member of this club for about 10 years now, many of our members have been here for anything up to 30 years. I love this club and since joining with my husband Peter have enjoyed some great times and great company. This club has always had a good reputation for its warmth and friendliness.
At the start of the season we have 2 Open Days, usually on Sundays where we welcome new potential members to come along and meet us and just have a go at bowling. There are people to show you the ropes and explain how the club is run. Do come and have a go! On those days we have a Tombola and a Cake Stall provided by many of our ladies.
Our new members have training sessions and we have Monday Club nights where you get to play with existing members and these nights are invaluable as this is where you will gain experience and improve your bowling skills. We also have a Men's League on Saturday afternoons and a Ladies' League on Thursdays. We have visiting coach parties who take part in matches called “Friendlies” and we go on trips to other clubs. Very enjoyable.
We have one of the best greens in the area and provide refreshments so it is always pleasant to sit and enjoy a tea or coffee while watching any matches that might be taking place. We also have a very well stocked Bar if you fancy something a little more exciting. Do come and visit you would be very welcome.
We are a very social club and during the season we have a Fish and Chip night with a quiz, in summer we have a cream tea and bowling afternoon and on our last day we have an American Supper after bowling.
In October we have a Dinner and Presentation Night at The Dudsbury which is always well attended and a nice way to finish the season.
Well now you have looked through our website why not come along and meet us.
Dee Phillips
President 2021
President's Address for 2020

A warm welcome to our existing members as we are heading towards our 2020 season. 2020 sounds very futuristic doesn't it!
I enjoyed my year as Vice President working alongside Bob Affleck who has clocked up 30 years membership, whereas I have only been here for a mere 8 years, so I still have much to learn.
This has always been a very “happy club” and we have a good reputation to uphold with our visiting clubs, many of whom are happy to come back every year. I am honoured to be your President for 2020 and look forward to working with our truly dedicated Management Committee who put in a lot of effort to ensure everything in the Club runs smoothly. We also have a great band of volunteers and this Club benefits from all their efforts.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members, and look forward to playing alongside you in our Monday Club nights, Evening Triples, Saturday Triples and Friendlies which is a great way to meet people and improve your skills.
I hope you will support our new Vice President, Mike Turner, in the same way you have supported me. Many thanks to you all.
Let’s hope the weather is kind to us this season, go out there and enjoy yourselves Moordown!!!
Dee Phillips
President 2020
President's Address for 2019

After giving a lot of thought to a kind invitation to become Vice President last year, I decided that maybe I could contribute a bit more to the club after 30 years membership. On reflection I must say how pleased I have been that I accepted the honour.
After my year in office, I saw a lot more of the inner workings and organisation of the club and the time and effort your committee put in to enable us all to enjoy our membership to the full, whether it be socially, playing or simply partaking of the facilities.
As you can imagine I have seen many changes to the club in 30 years; amalgamation of the ladies and men’s sections to form one club, the green dug up and re-laid, upgrade of the clubhouse, (carpet on the floor, new kitchen, installation of new bar), to name but a few. Not forgetting the introduction of self-management and stewarding rotas!!!
I think you will agree that most of these changes have made us into the club we are today with over 100 members and a well-deserved reputation to boot.
A sure sign of progress is our club finals competitions, for example the Singles final, many years ago the two players involved would fix a convenient date and find a marker!! The spectators would probably only be "the parkee" and he was only waiting to clear up and go home!!
Compare it to today where we have a full weekend for all the finals, with the bar and food available and a good attendance of members and families providing support.
The reputation we have gained has been achieved by the hard work and involvement of all our members past and present, culminating in our 90th anniversary celebrations last year, long may that voluntary hard work continue as our future depends on this.
I must say my year as Vice President has been most enjoyable on a personal note, especially for the support you gave and showed to my chosen charity in remembering so many of our friends who have sadly passed away in recent years. Macmillan Caring Locally have expressed their gratitude and thanks for our generosity in supporting the work they do for the community.
I hope and am sure you will support our new Vice President, Dee Phillips, in the same way that you have supported me in the past year. Thank you all once again.
Next season looks to be falling into place with a full programme of matches; league, friendlies and various competitions, not forgetting our many social functions, Friday spoons and the ever-popular Monday club nights.
Finally, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and existing members and look forward to meeting you all again in the 2019 season, whether playing or socially, and hope we are able to enjoy more progress in a warm pleasant summer.
Good luck to you all.
Bob Affleck
President 2019
President's Address for 2018

Here we are, heading towards another season and a very prestigious one, as it is the 90th Anniversary of Moordown Bowling Club's foundation. I extend a warm welcome to all members.
I was completely taken aback when I was invited to be Vice President and my initial reaction was to decline. On reflection however, having served on the Social Committee plus experience as Competition Secretary and Ladies selector, coupled with some persuasion, I decided to accept.
I am honoured to be your President for 2018 and look forward to working with our truly dedicated Management Committee who put in a lot of effort to ensure everything in the Club runs smoothly. Not forgetting all the volunteers who help in various ways, sometimes behind the scenes, nevertheless, we would not have such a good club without them.
Hopefully we can build on our continuing successes in the various leagues and County competitions. Undoubtedly the hard work and advice from our club coaches have contributed to this.
Finally, I wish you all an enjoyable and successful season and look forward to meeting you all, whether it's on the green or at one of our social events. Above all, I hope we all maintain Moordown's reputation as being one of the friendliest clubs around.
Jenny Hurrell
President 2018
President's Address for 2017

Alan Tavener 1952 - 2016
(Alan Tavener who was to have been President in 2017 died on 6th November 2016 - the position of President will not be filled in 2017 - the following address has been compiled by Alan's wife Kim)
If Alan was here to write this, he would say how honoured he is to be your President. He would tell you all how proud he is of this club; of everything it has achieved, both on and off the green in recent years, and he would say that if he couldn't bowl at Moordown, he wouldn't bowl anywhere.
Sadly, he isn't with us, so I have been asked to write about him instead. Perhaps you will learn a few things you didn't already know about Alan.
Alan was born in Newbridge, Gwent and on leaving school joined Griffiths Hauliers as an apprentice mechanic. On Boxing Night 1970, at the age of only 18, he was walking home when he was knocked down by a hit-and-run driver and suffered major injuries to his right leg. After months in hospital he returned to Griffiths, but could no longer do the heavy work required and was forced to give up his chosen career.
However, it didn't stop him pursuing his favourite pastime - rallying. Alan and a group of friends founded the Pontllanfraith Motor Club, and so spent all their weekends preparing for or taking part in rallies. Alan's first rally car was a mini previously owned by his sister, Lesley, and he went on to drive Mk 1 Escorts with his mate and navigator, David Lloyd.
In 1975, Alan's father Jack moved to Bournemouth, and in February 1979 Alan joined him; firstly taking over a hardware shop on the Waterloo Estate in Broadstone, then moving to a similar business in Charminster Road.
Alan and I met in July 1988. By then he was living in Wellington Road, Charminster and was a self-employed car valeter, complete with Ford Escort van which carried, among other things, a large tank of cold water for washing the vehicles. On more than one occasion I've known Alan receive a drenching when breaking too hard, forgetting that the tank was full and situated immediately behind the driver's seat!
We married in August 1989 and lived in Hinton Martell where I grew up. In 1990 we were introduced to short mat bowls at Flight Refuelling Sports and Social Club and played regularly in their inter-departmental league and in one of their Dorset League teams. In 1992 Alan suggested it was time we spread our wings and move on to the outdoor game, so we joined Wimborne Bowls Club.
In 1993 we moved house to Swansbury Drive on the Townsend estate, but both decided to go on playing at Wimborne. That was until Alan played a Dorset League match at Gillingham one Monday evening. After an 80+ mile round trip he decided he needed a club with fixtures nearer to Bournemouth. Although he did have an interview at Swanmore, a friend at Wimborne, John Cooke, told Alan he was moving to Moordown and persuaded Alan to come too. That was in 1998 and the rest, as they say, is history.
So who was Alan? Above all he was a proud Welshman who enjoyed, besides bowls, rugby, cricket, pie and chips, listening to the radio and walks by the seaside. By the time you read this I hope I will have been able to carry out his last wish; to take him back to the town he came from, to a place half-way up a mountain, to look down forever on the home he loved.
Alan would send you all his very best wishes for another successful season but, above all else, he would say "enjoy yourselves".
Kim Tavener
President's Address for 2016

Welcome to all members of Moordown Bowling Club, old or new!
Well my Vice Presidential year went by so very quickly and a very big thank you one and all for such a successful year and for all the help and support you gave me.
I am honoured to be your President for 2016.
Having vowed not to join any committee when we moved to Bournemouth in 2001, David and I joined Moordown Bowling Club in 2006, and well here I am 10 year's later!
We have made so many friends at Moordown and also met many lovely people playing friendlies and league matches playing on behalf of the Club, bowling is such a social game. Thanks to our Match Secretary we have even had a wonderful bowling holiday on the Isle of Wight and are this year off to Devon, long may it continue.
The Management Committee work very hard on behalf of all members, making some difficult decisions sometimes to ensure the smooth running of MBC, its upkeep and for the successful running of friendly matches and the general enjoyment of members and visitors. With so many volunteers helping to run sub - committees and helping wherever possible, whether it is Spoons, Monday Club Nights or Club Coaching it all helps to make MBC the successful Club it is, and this can only improve year on year.
So if you have any ideas or suggestions which you think will help with the running of the Club we would love to hear from you.
I look forward to 2016 and meeting new members, full or associate, on the rink, in the Pavilion and at social events. Please support Alan your Vice President and his chosen charity, I know you will.
Have a fantastic year of bowling whether competitive or just for fun.
Sue Smith President 2016.
President's Address - 2014
Welcome to all the members of Moordown Bowling Club.
I cannot believe the 2014 season is upon us! With all this wet weather, I have not been successful in finding a pair of "bowling wellies" - let's hope I won't need them in the months ahead!
I am honoured to be your President this year, genuinely looking forward to my period in office, and extend a very warm welcome to you all.
A fellow bowler reminded me last week that I joined the club in 2000, along with twenty three other people - only six of them are still active members. The club you see today is a far cry from the one I joined. We now have the luxury of a fitted kitchen, carpet on the floor, and central heating, wow!!!
Having been a member since 2000 and served on the management committee for many years (four years as Treasurer, two as Secretary, Vice President, Ladies Club Captain, Selector, Level two coach) you could say that I know this club well.
Moordown is a very friendly club, welcomes all bowlers whether they be members or visitors. The membership has doubled over the years, and you, the members, are the key to securing a sound future to enable us to grow and progress. Please encourage your family and friends to "have a go".
Our Management committee are a group of dedicated people who work tirelessly to successfully meet the needs, and challenges of the club, often having to make difficult decisions on many issues, always striving to ensure the best interest for all. I am looking forward to working with them and have every confidence that they will serve us all well in the club, as we continue to grow and flourish, not just in numbers, but also in quality of bowls played and enjoyment of all the club has to offer.
Leagues are a vital part of the club, and I encourage you offer your support by being available for these games. There are also friendly games and club competitions, available for all levels of bowlers, so please take the opportunity to play bowls, improve your skills, make new friends. It is free to enter our Club Competitions, so don't be shy, give it a go!
Every club and organisation relies on volunteers, and Moordown is no different. If you have any ideas, or better still, want to help in any way, we would like to hear from you - please contact either myself or a member of the committee.
Members new or old, Full or Associate I look forward to meeting you on the green or at our social events. Enjoy your bowling season!
Cathy France. President.
Open Day 2014
Sunday, 27th April 2014 - Open Day 2014
For further information see the leaflet

President's Address - 2013
I extend a very warm welcome to all members of Moordown Bowling Club. New or old, full or associate I look forward to meeting with you during the 2013 season either on the green or at one of our numerous social functions.
I am most honoured to be your President for the coming season; only 5 years after joining Moordown BC as a new bowler and new member. I am genuinely enjoying and looking forward to my period in office.
I hope and believe that, together with your management committee we can take the Club forward successfully during times of increasing challenge to the volunteers who run all bowls clubs in the Borough; as the Council increasingly withdraw from the management of sites and clubs.
On that note I firmly believe that any voluntary club is only as strong as the people who are involved in its running and we are always looking for willing volunteers. No Club can survive in the long term without new blood on its Committee and you do not need to have any special skills to play a part (I'm testament to that!). You just need to be prepared to express your views and give up some of your time. If you are interested in getting involved please don't hesitate to speak with me or any member of the Committee.
The coming season sees us for the first time entrusting the care and maintenance of our green to 3rd party contractors, at a not insignificant cost and we hope to see an improvement to the playing surface as a result of the bespoke care it will receive. Please remember that we all have a part to play in the care of our green by ensuring that we use the protective mats whenever it is in a tender state.
As I pen this note it is winter and my garden is blanketed in snow but the sun is shining and I sincerely hope that we will see more of that during 2013 than last year. Never again do I want to have to wear wellies in the middle of summer, to retrieve my bowls from the green!
Finally I wish you all a successful and enjoyable season whether playing league bowls, friendlies, club competitions, spoons or roll-ups; or simply spectating and enjoying the company of friends. I hope that the 2013 season will see a return to winning ways for the men's league teams and three of the Triples teams, and continued success for the ladies league teams and the Triples first team.
Graham Conway. President.
Open Day 2013
Sunday, 21st April 2013 - Open Day 2013
For further information see the leaflet

President's Address - 2012
I feel deeply honoured to have been asked to be the President of Moordown Bowling Club for the coming year and would like to extend a big welcome to you all via our web-site.
Our club was founded in 1927 and we are very proud of our heritage.
We pride ourselves on being one of the friendliest clubs in Bournemouth and we always extend a very hospitable welcome to all our visitors. With our charming clubhouse, excellent green, great bar, catering facilities and sociable members we feel we have a great deal to offer.
We are extremely pleased to report that both our men's teams will now be playing in the "Bournemouth and District" Premier League. Both our ladies B&DWBA teams will now play in a higher Division, and congratulations to the "D" team on their promotion.
Three of our Evening Triples teams have also achieved promotion.
A great deal of last season's excellent performance must be attributed to the hard work of our own club coaches and we have more coaches in training.
I sincerely hope that I am able to maintain the high standards my predecessors have set and continue our great friendly atmosphere and tradition here at Moordown.
Yours very sincerely
Cherry Webb
A Message from the President - 2011
Moordown Bowling Club is steeped in the history created by the dedication and willing participation of all its members since the Clubs creation in the late 1920's. Today, the Club has managed to find an excellent blend between the requirements of competitive Bowls and an active Social programme that benefits all current members and guests.
We take pride in our facilities and are pleased to share them with all visiting league teams, the general public plus an array of touring teams, some of whom return year after year. Our hospitality is second to none and is further enhanced by our Members and Guests only licensed bar which provides much enjoyment both prior to and on completion of all matches. Non playing members and guests can also enjoy the ambience of our premises and partake in a drink whilst watching on green activities.
Our playing surface is also kept in good order and in conjunction with our welcoming and friendly attitude provides an excellent platform for matches played in the Bournemouth Open Tournament. This annual event hosts players from all over the country where recent focus at our Club has been the Ladies Singles and Pairs events involving all rounds and finals. Good organisation and support of this event has generated receipt of many accolades from umpires and players alike.
Moordown recognises the positive effects that Bowls creates in Bournemouth and the surrounding areas. We therefore take a progressive attitude to future growth and as such spend considerable time and effort in creating positive awareness of this excellent sport. We are fortunate to have several dedicated coaches who gladly give of their time to interact with new players and also those inquisitive potential newcomers. Such efforts are absolutely necessary to generate future Club growth and secure the longer-term future of our beloved game.
Visiting Moordown Bowling Club will provide you an experience you will never forget. As a visiting team you will receive both a friendly and competitive game. As an individual you will make lasting friendships. Everyone will enjoy the beauty of our surroundings, the friendly banter and the very relaxing feeling that several drinks from our Bar will provide.
So, if you are considering visiting the Bournemouth area, are interested in bowls or are organising a team tour, then look no further than Moordown Bowling Club as we will be very pleased to receive your enquiries and subsequent attendance at our premises.
Thank you for visiting our website as we truly hope that we can enjoy your company at some point. Can I also convey my best wishes for summer weather that will maximise playing time and generate a successful and enjoyable 2011.
Mike Maidment
Message from your President to Members - 2011
Being asked to be your President for 2011 was a great surprise. Whilst it created initial doubt in my ability to be worthy of this office, it was with the knowledge that I could, with the help of my committee colleagues, be involved in a host of activities aligned to the future benefit of our Club that I considered it a great honour to accept.
Moordown Bowling Club is steeped in history created by the dedication and willing participation of all its members, since its foundation in 1927. The future will continue to demand the continuation of such commitment to meet the challenges of our changing society, where yet more responsibility will fall onto the club to self manage the Green plus other parts of our facilities. However, I am confident that we will continue to have the correct blend of ability and spirit to get things done within our membership and that we will deal with these new demands both successfully and in our stride.
I strongly believe that we have managed to achieve an excellent balance in rising to the competitive needs of league bowls and club competitions as well as providing a good social programme for all our members. Our reputation for being both welcoming and friendly to our visitors is one that we would wish to keep, because this in conjunction with our excellent facilities, is pivotal in generating a busy programme of visiting teams throughout the season. The experience gained by playing against these teams is fundamental in enabling us all, at times, to meet the challenge of better bowlers to the benefit of our techniques and general skills, which in turn will positively assist the club in progressing through the various Leagues and Cup competitions.
Increasing membership is key to securing a sound future and a progressive club infrastructure. Our pre-season focus in advertising our facilities coupled with an open invitation to prospective new members must, without doubt, continue. Of course, this activity is reliant upon our coaches continuing to dedicate free time in training these new bowlers and for us all to support them in a positive and friendly manner.
It is my sincere hope that the 2011 season proves very successful. The on green performance of our ladies team and our triples 'A' and 'C' teams in achieving promotion from their respective leagues during 2010 will be difficult to surpass. However, regular practice, participation in the various club competitions, coupled with ensuring frequent availablity, should have a positive effect.
Finally, please enjoy being a member of Moordown Bowling Club, continue to assist in promoting our clubs' friendly image, participate in as many activities as your time will permit and pray that this coming summer provides weather conductive to playing bowls on a very regular basis.
Mike Maidment